Rick Shaddock

As a computer consultant in Washington DC since 1985, I worked as a contract programmer on the Procurement Tracking System at the Headquarters of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).   I had pride and a vested interest in believing the Official Story of the Moon Landings of 1969-1972.   I watched the broadcast with thousands of Boy Scouts from many countries at the Jamboree in Idaho in 1969.   This inspired me to study computer science.

I founded the web site MoonTruth.org originally to defend the Official Story.  Many skeptics who brought up very good questions that I could not answer. for several years, my mind went back and forth between being sure that the story was true, and false.   Thanks to TM, my brain developed neuro-plasticity and the ability to retain unemotionally attached to either conclusion, depending on the evidence.  Since 2016, I have been increasingly convinced that the landings were faked. 

However, as an American, I support our country, and do not want the USA to be shamed.  President Nixon did what he had to do, and the world is better for it.  I am happy that President Trump has directed NASA to land a man on the Moon by 2024.  This will Make America First on the Moon again.

AmericanMoon.org .