"Proof" of the landing is said to be the Lunar Laser Retroreflectror, but... |

Laser is reflected by the Moon anyway.
Everyone knows about how well Sun light is reflected by the Moon. Duh.
youtube.com/watch?v=bxEZXyQk4rs |

Dr. Caroll O. Alley (U Md) demonstrates a laser
reflector returns
laser in parallel path back to the source. |

Laser light diverges about 1/3 inch per mile.
After 280000 miles (400000 km), it disperses about 1.6 miles (2.6 km), 1.28
sec. each way. |

Russians have a reflector on a rover. There is
no way to distinguish its reflector from Apollo's |

National Geographic
December 1966 article
"The Laser's Bright Magic" |

Scientists were bouncing laser beams off the Moon in 1962,
7 years before the alleged landing |

The Moon reflects light from the Sun anyway.
It is a sphere, so the middle point will naturally bounce back to the laser
source |

Beam "a" from Earth hits at an angle and bounces off
Beam "b" hits the center and bounces back to source
Beam c from a different location bounces off at an angle |