Web Site Mission - Truly Go to the Moon
not just with Grumman's Remote
Controlled Lunar Module
The purpose of this web site used to be to defend the official Moon landing
but during the process, we realized Nixon's 1969-1972 landings were fabricated,
even if done with good intentions, to avoid nuclear war with Russia at the time.
1. To boldly go where no man has (truly) gone before
2. Inspire Americans and
NASA to establish a Moon base by 2020
with reasons to make it a high priority as a vital strategic location.
3. To promote truth about our accomplishments so far,
and stop resting and sleeping on past false laurels
4. Acknowledge the Van Allen Belt radiation problem
then solve it. We can't solve a problem until we confront it.
5. Prevent "Tortoise and the Hare" situation
America sleeps, dreaming about a 1969-1972 fantasy,
while Russia or China land on the Moon first.

The easiest country to beat to the Moon is the one that sleeps, dreaming it
already went.
Bad news: the USA never really landed
men on the Moon in 1969-1972
Good news:
an American can still be the first on the Moon in this generation.
Corporations made billions from the Moon race and wanted it to continue.

Did all the money go to space exploration, or did some go for black ops or weapons development?

It is better for America to admit the Truth
than for other countries to expose the lie.
Russia's President at the UN
President Obama
(recommended speech)
The Americans have lied about me, and Russia.
They lied about Ukraine. And they lied about landing on the
Moon. How can anyone believe them on anything? |
President Nixon was a troubled man, and a Republican.
He was under considerable pressure at the time to beat the Russians in the
race to the Moon. But my administration is one of transparency.
We must be honest with the American folks. I have directed NASA to
release records related to the alleged landing on the Moon during President
Nixon's term of office. We look forward to landing an American man, or
woman, as the
first person on the Moon. |

Occupy the Moon
If we landed men on the Moon in 1969 we should be able to do it again.
A Moon base would be a highly beneficial base for the USA
as a position of influence for any travel beyond the Moon
If the USA could go, we would.
The USA has enough money to bail out bankers for $700 billion. A single air craft carrier costs about $10 billion
$30 billion should be no problem.

Now that we have a Space Station, where hundreds of Astronauts have gone,
a good platform for going on to the Moon, there is no reason for not going
after 43 years
-- unless the Van Allen Belts of
deadly radiation are an obstacle.
Mission: American
Base on the Moon by 2020
with U.S. Constitutional government and rights
Promoting the truth about NASA's
to quickly colonize the Moon for America
In order to go forward honestly,
we have to realize where we are now.
The fastest road to a Moon base is on the basis of truth
The first step in solving a problem is
realizing there is one.
Houston, we have a problem - the Van Allen Belt of deadly radiation
Finding there were too many unsolved
President Nixon, the only president to have resign
for lying (about Watergate) evidently ordered NASA to lie,
to try to be better than JFK and beat the Russians,
by releasing simulation photos and data as if real.
The Moon Race is still on.
NASA will not get the necessary funding
if Congress thinks we have "been there, done that."
It is time to stop the phony baloney 1969 photos,
meteorite rock, "lost data" and cover up.
Stop insulting the intelligence of the American people.
Mankind needs a "2nd basket" to put
our eggs in.
Peaceful expansion to pay off the National
If the USA rests on false past laurels, then
China or Russia might truly land there first.
China and Russia are patiently, and tactfully
playing along with NASA
because their Moon capsule would be an easy target for an "accident"
in the form of "meteors" (actually shrapnel from a USA missile)
and other sabotage and sanctions by America.
We're already
"promising the Moon" anyway, to those who buy U.S. Treasury bonds.
Back up our bonds with solid collateral - such as real estate - not just
empty space.
The Moon will be crucial real estate for space exploration in the next century.
Buy U.S. Treasury Bonds - backed by America, and the Moon
A Loony Idea?
What is more loony than bailing out billionaire bankers by printing $700 billion
backed by nothing but space? Better to have a currency backed up by land.
Gingrich promises permanent US Moon base if elected