President Trump and Vice President Pence were inspired to go to the Moon
while at a rally in Iowa in 2016.
The important thing is not if a man landed on the Moon
in 1969,
but how soon we can definitely land an American on the Moon.
The Constellation program to put men on the Moon has at its
mission of Human Exploration:
"NASA is beginning a new era in space exploration where we will build the
capabilities to send humans deeper into space than ever before."
If humans really went to the Moon, then why is it "deeper than ever before"?
NASA Astronauts Col. Terry Virts, Dr. Kathleen Rubins, and Dr. Kelly Smith
(NASA Engineer)
say in official NASA videos that no one has gone beyond Earth orbit, through the Van Allen Belts of
dangerous radiation, yet. Virts Rubins Smith
NASA's Artemis 1 launch with the new SLS rocket is scheduled August 29 as an unmanned mission to orbit the Moon. Michael Sarafin, Artemis Mission Manager says at 16:00
The $93-billion plan to put astronauts back on the Moon
Forbes Magazine
China Likely To Beat NASA Back To The Moon
Physics-Astronomy Magazine
NASA Scientists Say We Could Colonise the Moon by 2022 - for Just $10 Billion
Please ask NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden for the truth.
and make a historic speech to Congress, similar to JFK's:
"This nation should commit itself to achieving the goal,
before this decade is out, of establishing a Moon base
and returning astronauts safely to the Earth."
Informing Senator Cruz about the Van Allen Belts, in Dr. Van Allen's home town
in Iowa
"NASA's Project Constellation is responsible for making the
United States Space Exploration Policy a reality"
- not a fake.
Our measurements show that the maximum radiation level as of 1958 is equivalent to between 10 and 100 roentgens per hour, depending on the still-undetermined proportion of protons to electrons. Since a human being exposed for two days to even 10 roentgens would have only an even chance of survival, the radiation belts obviously present an obstacle to space flight. Unless some practical way can be found to shield space-travelers against the effects of the radiation, manned space rockets can best take off through the radiation-free zone over |
the poles. A "space station" must orbit below 400 miles or beyond 30,000 miles from the earth. We are now planning a satellite flight that will test the efficacy of various methods of shielding. The hazard to space-travelers may not end even when they have passed the terrestrial radiation belts. According to present knowledge the other planets of our solar system may have magnetic fields comparable to the earth's and thus may possess radiation belts of their own. The moon, however, probably has no belt, because its magnetic field appears to be feeble... |
Even non-ionizing radiation such as micro wave ovens can be dangerous
MoonFaker: Radioactive Anomaly
THE DANGER ZONE Space World Magazine,
pp 22-23, 49, 53-54 "All manned space flight attempts must steer clear of these two belts of radiation until adequate means of safeguarding the astronauts has been developed" |
"But, though, mechanical and electronic equipment can operate within the high radiation areas, a living organism cannot survive this level of radiation damage. Hence, all manned space flight attempts must steer clear of these two belts of radiation until adequate means of safeguarding the astronauts have been developed." |
Astronauts going to the Moon allegedly spent about 40 minutes in
the Alpha region
1,000,000 particles per square centimeter per second - 179 RADs/hour
and 20 minutes in the 2 million particle region - 30.464 RADS
87 + 30 (to Moon) +87 +30 (to Earth) = 234 RADS
500 RADS is enough to kill a man
NASA confirms the space suits do not protect against
radiation: Sickening Solar Flares
"A typical space suit, meanwhile, has only 0.25 g/cm2, offering little
protection. "
Radiation Protection During Space Flight
Institute of Biomedical Problems, USSR Ministry of Health
Moscow 123007, USSR
John H. Mauldin has a bachelor's degree in engineering physics (Cornell University, master's in physics (Purdue University), and Ph.D. in science education (University of Texas). He has four books published in science and technology covering mathematical graphics in Perspective Design (1985; second edition now being prepared), physics in Particles in Nature (1986), solar energy in Sunspaces (1987), and optics in Light, Lasers, and Optics (1988). He has taught physics and engineering at several colleges and universities, done education research and development at MIT and University of Texas, and worked at NASA in electronic power engineering on an early phase of the Voyager missions.
Cosmic particles are dangerous, come from all sides, and require at least 2 meters of solid shielding all around living organisms.
Solar (or star) flares of protons, an occasional and severe hazard on the way out of and into planetary systems, can give doses of hundreds to thousands of REM over a few hours at the distance of Earth [b-Lorr]. Such does are fatal and millions of times greater than the permitted dose. Death is likely after 500 REMs in any short time.
The Apollo capsule was not even 1/10 meter thick, the Van Allen Belts have over 100 REM/hour, so the astronauts could not have survived going to the Moon.
Orion mission
Engineer Kelly Smith says the Van Allen Belts
are dangerous
No astronauts will be aboard Orion, to measure the "extreme radiation"
"deeper into space than we have ever gone before"
"We will pass through the Van Allen Belts - an area of dangerous radiation"
"We must solve these challenges before we send people through this
region of space"
"Radiation like this could harm; the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on arrival, naturally we have to pass through this danger zone twice, once up and once back , but Orion has protection. Shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation sensors aboard will record radiation levels for scientists to study. We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space. For this flight its time to head home."
Honest NASA engineers design Van Allen Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP)
Dr. Lou Lanzerotti - New Jersey Institute of Technology
Dr. Nicky Fox and Dr. Dan Smith - John Hopkins University, Applied Physics
Why make an expensive probe of the Van Allen Belts if they were really "harmless"
to 1969-1972 Moon missions through them?
We only can fly in Earth orbit
Elon Musk demonstrates the Dragon 2 space capsule
with thin walls, not enough for the Van Allen Belts of deadly radiation
although it is fine for low Earth orbit
The purpose of this web site used to be to defend the official Moon landing
but during the process, we realized Nixon's 1969-1972 landings were fabricated,
even if done with good intentions, to avoid nuclear war with Russia at the time.
If we landed men on the Moon in 1969 we should be able to do it again.
A Moon base would be a highly beneficial base for the USA as a position of influence for any travel beyond the Moon If the USA could go, we would.
The USA has enough money to bail out bankers for $700 billion. A single air craft carrier costs about $10 billion $30 billion should be no problem.
Now that we have a Space Station, where hundreds of Astronauts have gone,
a good platform for going on to the Moon, there is no reason for not going
after 43 years
-- unless the Van Allen Belts of
deadly radiation are an obstacle.
NASA could have sent a similar rover 1969-1972
False beliefs in the brain are like malware in your computer
Conveniently located near Capitol Hill and NASA Headquarters
American Moon Association
1629 K Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
American Moon Association
Lobbying Congress and NASA for an American Moon Base by 2020
American Moon Association
1629 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Lobbying Congress for truth and a Moon base by 2020
सत्यं एव जायते
Satyam Eva Jayate
Truth Alone Triumphs